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Delegation to Bulgaria from the Consular Association of Belgium


On an official visit to Bulgaria came colleagues from the Consular Association of Belgium, who were led by the Honorary Consul of Bulgaria in Belgium with headquarters in the city of Liège and with the consular district of the Wallonia region, Mr. Luc Sougné.

An official dinner was organized to get to know the members of the two associations, a cultural program and ended with an official reception at the residence of the Ambassador of Belgium in Sofia.

Consular Corps of the province of Liège,Belgium:

Luc Sougné Honorary Consul of Bulgaria for Wallonia, Belgium.Import export of Bulgarian wines.

Serge Mantovani, HC Czech Republic ( and his wife ), Deputy Director of the City of Liège

Jean Marc Defays, HC of Finland ( and his wife ), Professor at University of Liège ( French language )

Florence Roth, HC of Switzerland ( and her husband)

Pascale Ruth, HC of Latvia, Head of Protocol at University of Liège

Alain Beele, Chairman of International Committee CC Liège, International and Eurosystem Coodinator National Bank of Belgium

Thierry Dumoulin, HC of Chili, Former Notary, Chairman CC Prov Hainaut.

Salome Schonau, Theater of Liège, Assistant of General Manager

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